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Stone cutting courses generally take place once a semester. They are led by Pauline DURAMÉ.

You will be asked to work on a soft stone, limestone.

The courses are open to beginners.

The work is personal: trainees can bring a motif to create in bas-relief. They are guided throughout the course by the artist involved (cutting the stone, drawing the pattern, direct cutting).
Hours: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (8 hours of classes).

Reservation: effective upon receipt of payment of €120 payable to the sculpture garden +€20 for the stone.

Stone: Pauline Duramé will contact you before the course to advise you on the pattern and the stone (stone extra).

Membership: on site, you will be asked to join (annual membership required).

Bring your picnic, book your accommodation if you want to sleep there.