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The 2023 cultural season is launched!

The 2023 cultural season is launched!

To mark our 30th Cultural Season, we're organizing two Festivals

* Sculpture Biennial, 12th edition, in the château's Garden and Salons, from July 1 to November 15: discover the works of 30 contemporary sculptors presented in a comprehensive scenography in the château's Garden and Salons, and the work of sculptor René de Saint-Marceaux (1845-1915) in a tribute to him.

* Un Eté musical au Jardin, 4th edition: concerts every Sunday at 6pm from July 9 to August 13, evening from 6pm to 10pm: attend a concert at 6pm in the Garden, weather permitting, and extend the evening with Mucisiens. Bring your own picnic for a "diner on the grass" if you like. 

Find the list of artists, concert dates and programs on : 2023 cultural season